The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market will resume in its normal downtown location Saturday following a two-week suspension. But, it’s unlikely to be business as usual.
Tag: indiana
Volunteers Play Key Role In Maintaining Indiana’s Cemeteries
Most of the cemeteries Hoosiers are familiar with are large and well-established, containing acres of headstones. But there are more than 12,000 cemeteries in Indiana, and you might be surprised by where you’ll find some of them. They can be as small as just one headstone, and many are in hard-to-reach locations. As funding for cemetery […]
Should There Be Rules Restricting Bamboo Planting?
An increasing number of cities and states are adopting regulations for the sale and planting of bamboo. Certain types are actually considered invasive, and can quickly spread to multiple properties.
Do Indiana’s Civil Forfeiture Laws Violate The State Constitution?
Police seized millions of dollars last year they say was tied to criminal activity. But what happens to that money is a source of major controversy. Ahead in part two of our series on civil forfeiture, we’ll explain where the money goes – and why some say that needs to change. READ MORE
U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Indiana Civil Forfeiture Case
Should police be able to take a $42,000 car because they say someone used it to transport a few hundred dollars worth of drugs? It’s a case the nation’s highest court will decide, and it started in Grant County. READ MORE
Why Is Sugar Cream Pie So Popular In Indiana?
If you’ve lived in Indiana long, you’ve likely had a slice of sugar cream pie. It’s often referred to as the unofficial state pie because of its popularity among Hoosiers. There was a push in 2009 to make it official, but the bill renaming sugar cream pie as “Hoosier pie” never made its way to […]
Sheriffs: State Funding Needed To Help With Jail Overcrowding
County jails across the state don’t have enough room to house all of the inmates in their facilities.
Trump Picks Pence As VP
A dramatic shakeup this week in Indiana politics has us all wondering, what’s next? Gov. Mike Pence will make a run for the White House as Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate. That means the GOP will have to find someone to replace Pence on the gubernatorial ballot.